

Multi-task, Multilingual, Multi-modal Language Generation
COST Action CA18231

Main Aim

Multi3Generation aims to foster an interdisciplinary network of research groups working on different aspects of language generation (LG). We frame LG broadly as the set of tasks where the ultimate goal involves generating language. In...

Research Coordination

Foster knowledge exchange by sharing of resources including semantic annotation guidelines, benchmarking corpora, machine learning and alignment tools.Create multimodal and multilingual benchmarks for NLG involves experimenting with automatic mapping between existing resources, crawling of Web...

Capacity Building

Strengthen the European research on theory, methodology and real-world technology in language generation, particularly in the four Multi3Generation focus research themesFacilitate international collaboration, networking and interdisciplinary community fostering joint activitiesDrive scientific progress by liaising extensively...

Capacity Building

  • Strengthen the European research on theory, methodology and real-world technology in language generation, particularly in the four Multi3Generation focus research themes
  • Facilitate international collaboration, networking and interdisciplinary community fostering joint activities
  • Drive scientific progress by liaising extensively with industry and end-users, and by increasing joint collaboration and knowledge transfer by the end of the Action

Multi3Generation Training School on “Representation Mediated Multimodality”

Multi3Generation Training School on "Representation Mediated Multimodality'' took place in Valletta, Malta from Jan. 30th to Feb. 2nd, 2024. The school had 29 participants who...
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Workshop on Multilingual, Multimodal, and Multitask Language Generation

Anabela Barreiro organised the 1st workshop on Multilingual, Multimodal, and Multitask Language Generation together with Elena Lloret and Max Silberztein. The workshop was colocated with...
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Virtual Mobility Grant at INESC-ID to Support the implementation of research coordination for Multi-task, Multilingual, and Multimodal Language Generation

The results of the VM contributed to a paper on OpenLogos [1] submitted to Open Research Europe, as a contribution to the Multi3Generation collection “Advances …