
WG 5 – Industry and End-User Liaison

Working Group 5 aims to develop links with industry and end-users. As such, its activities embrace collaboration between academic and industrial partners, both on academic projects and on real-world product development, seeking to stimulate ideas for novel cross-modal applications.

In addition to having participants from industry, company stakeholders are welcome to the Industrial Advisory Board, which have the functions of

  • advising and informing the Management Committee’s activities, and
  • fostering collaboration between industrial and non-industrial participants, including
    • placements for Early Career Investigators and
    • co-organization of shared tasks including construction of benchmark datasets.

If you are interested in joining the Action as an industry participant or the advisory board as a stakeholder, please send an email to Fabio Kepler at kepler (at)

Industry participants in WG5 are also welcome to join the other Working Groups for collaborating more closely to their topics of interest: