4th Call for Short-Term Scientific Missions (STSMs)

4th Call for Short-Term Scientific Missions (STSMs)

CA16231- Multi3Generation
November 2022


Language generation (LG) is a crucial technology if machines are to communicate with humans seamlessly using human natural language. A great number of different tasks within Natural Language Processing (NLP) are language generation tasks, and being able to effectively perform these tasks implies (1) that machines are equipped with world knowledge that can require multimodal processing and reasoning (e.g. textual, visual and auditory inputs, or sensory data streams), and (2) the study of strong, novel Machine Learning (ML) methods (e.g. structured prediction, generative models), since virtually all state-of-the-art NLP models are learned from data. Moreover, human languages can differ wildly in their surface realization (i.e. scripts) as well as their internal structure (i.e. grammar), which suggests that multilinguality is a central goal if machines are to perform seamless language generation. Language generation technologies would greatly benefit both public and private services offered to EU citizens in a multilingual Europe, and have strong economic and societal impacts.


Deadline for submission of applications: There is no specific deadline, applications can be submitted at any time.
Outcome notification date: Grant decisions will be communicated on the 1st day of the month after the submission of the application, and the decision of its attribution is based on the merits of the application.
Period within which STSM must occur: 15 November 2022 – 31 June 2023


Short Term Scientific Missions (STSMs) are institutional visits by researchers or scholars aimed at fostering cooperation and collaboration. These visits should specifically contribute to the scientific objectives of this COST Action “Multi3Generation Multitask, Multilingual, Multimodal Language Generation” (CA18231; henceforth ‘Action’), which are outlined in detail in the Memorandum of Understanding.
You may find the eligibility provisions, along with further specifics, conditions and information, in the Action’s STSM Guidelines and COST Annotated Rules. Please read these two documents carefully before applying.


The financial support in the form of an STSM Grant covers travel, accommodation and meal expenses. Please note that the awarded grant will be paid only after the STSM has been completed in accordance with STSM conditions (exceptionally ITC Grantees may claim 50% of the grant after confirmation by the host that the STSM has started). For this STSM call for GP4, the Management Committee of the Action has allocated a total budget of €30.000.

The Core Group decided that a maximum of €2.500,00 can be allocated to each successful applicant for the entire STSM duration for this STSM call, for travel, accommodation and meal expenses (exceptional situations have to be approved by the Core Group). COST rules on daily allowance can be an indicative criterion. The exact amounts granted for each individual STSM will be determined during the evaluation process.


In order to apply for an STSM grant you must:

  1. Be enrolled as a PhD student or postdoctoral fellow;
  2. Be employed by, or affiliated to an institution or legal entity that conducts research.
  3. In case of proposals with equivalent importance for the Action, the decision on the grant assigned should be based on COST privileged criteria such as age, gender balance, country of origin (ITC), among others.

To submit an application, please follow the steps below:

  1. Register for an e-COST profile at https://e-services.cost.eu/, adding your bank account details to your profile (if a returning applicant or already in possession of a COST profile, move to step
  2. Complete the application form at the STSM application section of your e-COST profile at https://e-services.cost.eu/, uploading the following documentation:
    • Letter of invitation from the Host Institution, under the supervision of a senior researcher affiliated with that institution; (optional) recommendation letters.
    • Full CV (max. 3 pages), including a list of academic publications if applicable (font: 12 pt. Times New Roman).
    • Fill out the available online “Short-Term Scientific Mission Grant APPLICATION FORM”:
      • Goals of the STSM ( Purpose and summary of the STSM – 200 words)
      • Working Plan ( Description of the work to be carried out by the applicant – 500 Words)
      • Expected outputs and contribution to the Action MoU objectives and deliverables (Main expected results and their contribution to the progress towards the Action objectives (either research coordination and/or capacity building objectives) and deliverables – 500 words)
  3. Submit and download your application.
  4. Please be aware that after the completed STSM each awardee is expected to provide the following outputs:
    • STSM reports on the aims and objectives, achieved results, and dissemination of the work/activities that were performed.
    • Optional short (max. 3 minutes) video summary of the STSM report, emphasizing on how STSM has contributed to the awardee’s (current and planned) contribution to the COST Action.

You will be notified of the outcome by the Action’s STSM Coordinator on the outcome notification date of the call.


Failure to submit the scientific report and the supporting documents within 15 days after the end date of the STSM will effectively cancel the grant.
The Grant is payable up to 30 days after the grantee’s report and supporting documents have been approved by the Action Chair (or Vice-Chair).
Please note that COST Association and Action’s Grant holder may request additional information to substantiate the information contained within the documents submitted by STSM applicants.

Please contact the Grant Awarding Coordinator Prof. Max Silberztein via email if any queries relating to STSM occur: max.silberztein@univ-fcomte.fr.